Today I bought an English desk, an English church pew and I am considering my changing my blog’s name after an English book. I also drive an English car….i guess I’m in an English state of mind.

Billy Joel was in a NY state of mind. I am in an English state of mind.

The blog name: “The Jolly Packet Postwoman”…..a take-off of the children’s book “The Jolly Pocket Postman”….packet=data packet. postwoman=me. jolly=my state of mind (most of the time). post=I’d rather send letters by post than write a blog but these blogs seems to be the wave of the future. (If you’ve never read “The Jolly Pocket Postman” it’s one of my favorite books…and it proves that blogs will never be as good as printed material-in my opinion. To see the JPP, go to:

I had a great picture of the book cover, the english desk, the pew and my MG, but still I don’t understand how to upload photos onto this blog. I’m ready to just take my typewriter out to the street corner and blog from there. Technology is frustrating.

I also won a dance contest today with my bunny. It was national dance day. Hooray!

2 thoughts on “Today I bought an English desk, an English church pew and I am considering my changing my blog’s name after an English book. I also drive an English car….i guess I’m in an English state of mind.

  1. No, haven’t forgotten Spain. I like England too–remember my tea cup collection? My son wants to go to Scotland (most spiritual place on earth) and my other son wants to probably go to Thailand (best food on earth). I think you want to go to Alaska, right? If I can get over my fears of having the boat sink, getting claustrophic, spending a ton of money and interacting with strangers, and contributing to ocean pollution, I’ll go b/c I’d love to catch the wild salmon there and see the glaciers before they melt. World travel is fantastic.

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