We weren’t planning to get a puppy, but when my little brother saw a little black and gold ball of fur in a cardboard box outside Safeway, he begged my dad to buy it. My dad, always a softie, gave in rather quickly. We already had a dog—the opposite of this dog—a pedigreed miniature Schnauzer, but Dad knew that our existing dog was my dog. Our Schnauzer favored me over my brother. And besides, my brother had always wanted a big dog. Judging by the size of the mother, this puppy would get pretty large. He was a real Heinz 57. We were told he was a mix of black Lab, golden retriever, Rottweiler and maybe a few other breeds. Continue reading
Author Archives: Allison
Looking for love at 55, pt. 2
“Allison, I need to see you–somewhere discreet if possible.”
I read the text again to see if it made sense. Did Jim mean what I thought he meant? He had just returned home from a trip with the kids back East and had been sending me daily photos. I had begun to suspect he was interested in more than a friendship and this text confirmed it. Was I ready for the next step too? Continue reading
Looking for love at 55, part 1
“Don’t worry,” my mom’s neighbor told her upon hearing I was getting a divorce, “Allison will be married in a year. You’ll see.”
When my mom recounted that exchange to me, I thought—yeah, I might be married in a year, but that seems pretty quick. How can she be so confident? Nonetheless, I hoped I would find love again someday after Peter. It would be a different love. But love wasn’t out of reach. Maybe I didn’t even need wait that long. Continue reading
Choosing the light
It’s Friday night and we are giddy after a long week of school. I am 12 years old and want nothing more than to curl up on my best friend Camille’s couch with an issue of Seventeen magazine or rehearse the dance routine we’re preparing for the middle school talent show. But the sun is setting over the San Francisco skyline across the bay, and we’ve been summoned to the dining room. Continue reading
What happened when I quit social media for Lent
I’ve never been one to celebrate Lent. I don’t like the idea of having to give up something. I’ve always thought I would fail anyway. Then I’d feel bad. This year, however, I decided to embrace Lent. I felt like a needed a refresh of my life after my divorce and all the changes that came with it. I wanted to change some habits and live a more spiritually balanced life. I guess I could have given up chocolate or coffee, but I wanted something deeper. Continue reading
Snapshots from Spain
I had great hopes for keeping up my blog while on my trip. Somehow, though, our hosts and friends kept us busy and the 10:30 pm dinners didn’t leave time for writing at the end of the day! Instead of trying to recall details, which are already becoming fuzzy in my mind, I thought I’d give a few memorable snapshots of our time. Continue reading
The llegada (arrival) in Madrid!
Our Spanish adventure 2023 has begun! It’s amazing to think I haven’t been here in 8 years, since 2015. Before that it was 2010-2011, the year we lived in Madrid and did our house exchange. After doing the house exchange I had grand plans to come back every year, but life and other travels got in the way. Continue reading
Ruminations on consolations
Sometimes it’s tiny things that seem like miracles—I would like to think those small graces come from God. Last week, for example, I was working at my job, at the front desk of a fitness center, and a VIP member asked if we could change the music to a more upbeat selection. I said sure but I really did not know how to change the music. Continue reading
Spirituality for everyone
We tend to think spirituality is like creativity—you either have it or you don’t. In fact, spirituality and creativity can both be developed and nurtured. The only thing needed is attention. Continue reading
Healing and the art of wabi sabi thinking
It’s been many months since I shared a blog post. I have been quiet in this space but a lot of good has been happening. I’m finally feeling relief from the heavy weight of depression. Thank God! I can’t say what changed, why I feel this lightness and even—dare I say—joy, but I am grateful. I wake up each morning eager to start the day and enjoy the simpler pleasures of life, like my morning coffee or a walk by the shore. I don’t take any of this for granted. Continue reading